ホーム ホーム > 各部案内 > 放射線部 > 放射線科 > IVR > 研究と業績 > 2022年度 論文・学会発表

2022年度 論文・学会発表



  1. Onishi M, Onishi Y, Yasumura S, Nakai H, Hamasaki M, Miyake M, Taniguchi T:Chest wall systemic artery-to-pulmonary artery vascular malformation treated by embolization of feeders and drainers:A case report. Radiology Case Reports 2022;17(9):3395−3398.

  1. Onishi Y, Shimizu H, Oka S, Taniguchi T, Kawahara S, Ishisaka Y, Isoda H, Nakamoto Y:Transcatheter arterial embolization for subcapsular hematoma of the liver. Abdominal Radiology 2023;48(2):765−772.
  2. Onishi Y, Shimizu H, Ando S, Kawamura H, Onishi M, Taniguchi T, Isoda H, Nakamoto Y:Transcatheter arterial embolization of the subclavian and axillary artery branches for hemorrhage control. British Journal of Radiology 2023;96:doi:10.1259/bjr.20221132.
  3. Iwakoshi S, Irie Y, Katada Y, Sakaguchi S, Hongo N, Oji K, Fukuda T, Matsuda H, Kawasaki R, Taniguchi T, Motoki M, Hagihara M, Kurimoto Y, Morikage N, Nishimaki H, Ogawa Y, Sueyoshi E, Kyozo Inoue, Inoue K, Shimizu H, Ideta I, Higashigawa T, Ikeda O, Miyamoto N, Nakai M, Nakai T, Inoue T, Inoue T, Ichihashi S, Kichikawa K : Comparison of outcomes and complications among patients with different indications of acute/subacute complicated Stanford type B aortic dissection treated by TEVAR : Data from the JaPanese REtrospective multicenter stuDy of ThoracIc endovascular aortic repair for complicated type B aortic dissection (J-predictive study). Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 2022;45(3):290−297.
  4. Iwakoshi S, Ogawa Y, Dake MD, Ono Y, Higashihara H, Ikoma A, Nakai M, Taniguchi T, Ogi T, Kawada H, Tamura A, Ieko Y, Tanaka R, Sohgawa E, Nagatomi S, Woodhams R, Ikeda I, Mori K, Nishimaki H, Koizumi K, Senokuchi T, Hagihara M, Shimohira M, Takasugi S, Imaizumi A, Higashiura W, Sakaguchi S, Ichihashi S, Inoue T, Inoue T, Kichikawa K : Outcomes of embolization procedures for type II endoleaks following endovascular abdominal aortic repair. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2023;77(1):114−121.



  1. 瀧本 真也,谷口 尚範,岩倉 篤,上原 京勲,森島 学,藤原 靖恵,小曳 純平,杉田 洋介,白神 拓:Knitted Dacron製人工血管の遠隔期経年劣化による吻合部仮性動脈瘤に対し,Hybrid手術を行った1例.日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌2022;51(5):314-320.
  2. 瀧本 真也,谷口 尚範,岩倉 篤,上原 京勲,森島 学,藤原 靖恵,小曳 純平,杉田 洋介,白神 拓:弓部大動脈瘤に対する胸部ステントグラフト内挿術後のTypeⅡEndoleak に対し肋頸動脈経由で塞栓術を行い瘤径の縮小がみられた2例.日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌2023;52(2):109-113.




  1. Nakai H, Iwakoshi S, Takimoto S, Minami A, Kobashi K, Yasumura S, Takada T, Tsuji Y, Kirita M, Onishi M, Yokota Y, Iwakura A, Taniguchi T : Preemptive embolization of lumbar artery for preventing type 2 endoleak and aneurysm sac growth. The 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Interventional Radiology, The 14 th International Symposium of Interventional Radiology, and 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of Asia Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, 2022.6.4−6, Kobe(Japan)・ハイブリッド開催

  1. Gentsu T, Yamaguchi M, Sasaki K, Kawasaki R, Horinouchi H, Sakamoto N, Uotani K, Miyamoto N, Fukuda T, Taniguchi T, Mori T, Ueshima E, Okada T, Sugimoto K, Murakami T:Preemptive aortic side branch embolization before EVAR with ENDURANT : A prospective multicenter study. The 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Interventional Radiology, The 14th International Symposium of Interventional Radiology, and 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of Asia Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, 2022.6.4−6, Kobe(Japan)・ハイブリッド開催
  2. Sasaki K, Yamaguchi M, Gentsu T, Kawasaki R, Horinouchi H, Sakamoto N, Uotani K, Miyamoto N, Fukuda T, Taniguchi T, Mori T, Ueshima E, Okada T, Sugimoto K, Murakami T : Preemptive aortic side branch embolization before EVAR with Excluder : A prospective multicenter study. The 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Interventional Radiology, The 14th International Symposium of Interventional Radiology, and 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of Asia Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, 2022.6.4−6, Kobe(Japan)・ハイブリッド開催



  1. 辻 優一,中井 浩嗣,野田 敏行,南 暁彦,小橋 和世,安村 純佳,安尾 俊祐,大西 基文,横田 悠介,谷口 尚範:肺仮性動脈瘤の2例.第71回関西Interventional Radiology研究会,2022.7.9,大阪・ハイブリット開催



  1. 谷口 尚範:Detachable Coilのストレートニング(直線化)現象.AZURグループミーティング,2022.11.16,Web開催
  2. 谷口 尚範:レンバチニブとTACEの併用療法の経験.肝細胞癌の集学的治療を考える会―レンビマ併用療法の最適化―,2023.2.1,Web開催