2019年度 論文・学会発表
- Tsuyuki S, Yamagami K, Yoshibayashi H, Sugie T, Mizuno Y, Tanaka S, Kato H, Okuno T, Ogura N, Yamashiro H, Takuwa H, Kikawa Y, Hashimoto T, Kato T, Takahara S, Katayama T, Yamauchi A, Inamoto T:Effectiveness and safety of surgical glove compression therapy as a prophylactic method against nanoparticle albumin−bound−paclitaxel−induced peripheral neuropathy. The Breast 2019;47:22−27.
- Yamashiro H, Iwata H, Masuda N, Yamamoto N, Nishimura R, Ohtani S, Sato N, Takahashi M, Kamio T, Yamazaki K, Saito T, Kato M, Lee T, Kuroi K, Takano T, Yasuno S, Morita S, Ohno S, Toi M, JBCRG−C01 Collaborative Group:Outcomes of trastuzumab therapy in HER 2−positive early breast cancer patients:Extended follow−up of JBCRG−cohort study 01. Breast Cancer 2020;DOI:10.1007/s 12282−020−01057−4.
- Ishii K, Morii N, Yamashiro H:Pertuzumab in the treatment of HER 2−positive breast cancer:An evidence−based review of its safety, efficacy, and place in therapy. Core Evidence 2019;14:51−70.
- 丹羽 幸司,織田 裕行,石井 慧,康 純,諸富 公昭,磯貝 典孝:性同一性障害患者の受け入れについて―MTF(Male to Female)特性に基づく医療側の対応―.近畿大学医学雑誌 2019;44(1-2):9-15.
- Kawaguchi K, Takada M, Kotake T, Yoshimura M, Uozumi R, Kataoka M, Koyama T, Tokumasu R,Honda M, Yamashita R, Yonezawa A, Himoto Y, Onishi N, Kato H, Yoshibayashi H, Suwa H, Tsuji W, Yamashiro H, Kataoka T, Ishiguro H, Parida L, Morita S, Toi M:Alteration of the tumor immune microenvironment signatures by nivolmab combined with radiation therapy for patients with metastatic breast cancer (Translational Research of the KBCRN−B−002 trial). San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 2019.12.10, San Antonio, TX (USA)
- Takada M, Yoshimura M, Kawaguchi K, Kotake T, Uozumi R, Kataoka M, Koyama T, Kato H, Yoshibayashi H, Suwa H, Tsuji W, Yamashiro H, Kataoka T, Ishiguro H, Tokumasu R, Honda M, Yamashita R, Yonezawa A, Himoto Y, Onishi N, Parida L, Morita S, Toi M:A multicenter phase Ⅰb/Ⅱ study for evaluating safety and efficacy of Nivolumab in combination with radiation therapy in patients with HER 2−negative metastatic breast cancer (KBCRN−B−002 trial). San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 2019.12.10, San Antonio, TX (USA)
- 石井 慧,森井 奈央,山城 大泰,稲本 俊:当院の乳癌脳転移症例の検討.第17回日本乳癌学会近畿地方会,2019.12.7,神戸(兵庫)
- 唐 宇飛,山本 豊,山城 大泰,近藤 直人,中村 力也,柏葉 匡寛,高橋 將人,津川 浩一郎,石川 孝,中山 貴寛,大谷 彰一郎,高野 利実,藤澤 知巳,遠山 竜也,川口 英俊,増野 浩二郎,谷野 裕一,森田 智視,戸井 雅和,大野 真司,Japan Breast Cancer Research Group:HER2陰性進行再発乳癌に対するベバシズマブとパクリタキセル療法の前向き観察研究(JBCRG−C05試験 B−SHARE).第27回日本乳癌学会学術総会,2019.7.13,東京
- Ishii K, Morii N, Yamashiro H:Investigation of prognostic factors in breast cancer patients with brain metastases:A case series. 第57回日本癌治療学会学術集会,2019.10.26,博多(福岡)
- 石井 慧,森井 奈央,山城 大泰,稲本 俊:当院の乳癌脳転移症例の検討.第33回奈良乳腺疾患研究会,2019.4.6,奈良
- 山城 大泰:患者さんがすべきこと.がん診療拠点病院公開講座,2019.6.20,奈良