2020年度 論文・学会発表
- 森井 奈央:実践編2 病棟管理症例③ 抗がん剤の有害事象による血栓症を招いた場合.多疾患併存患者を臓器横断的に診る!外来・病棟でのマルチモビディティ診療,pp166-171,石丸 裕康編著,金芳堂(京都),2020
- Yamamoto Y, Yamashiro H, Toh U, Kondo N, Nakamura R, Kashiwaba M, Takahashi M, Tsugawa K, Ishikawa T, Nakayama T, Ohtani S, Takano T, Fujisawa T, Toyama T, Kawaguchi H, Mashino K, Tanino Y, Morita S, Toi M, Ohno S:Prospective observational study of bevacizumab combined with paclitaxel as first− or second−line chemotherapy for locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer:the JBCRG−C05 (B−SHARE) study. Breast Cancer 2021;28(1):145−160.
- Inagaki−Kawata Y, Yoshida K, Kawaguchi−Sakita N, Kawashima M, Nishimura T, Senda N, Shiozawa Y, Takeuchi Y, Inoue Y, Sato−Otsubo A, Fujii Y, Nannya Y, Suzuki E, Takada M, Tanaka H, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Kataoka Y, Torii M, Yoshibayashi H, Yamagami K, Okamura R, Moriguchi Y, Kato H, Tsuyuki S, Yamauchi A, Suwa H, Inamoto T, Miyano S, Ogawa S, Toi M:Genetic and clinical landscape of breast cancers with germline BRCA 1/2 variants. Communications Biology 2020;3(1):578.
- Soyama T, Masutani H, Hirata CL, Iwai−Kanai E, Inamoto T:Thioredoxin as a novel sensitive marker of biological stress response in smoking. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition 2020;67(3):228−231.
- Yamashiro H, Yamamoto Y, Schneeweiss A, Müller V, Gluz O, Klare P, Aktas B, Magdolna D, Büdi L, Pikó B, Mangel L, Toi M, Morita S, Ohno S:Pooled−analysis of prospective observational studies evaluated the effectiveness and safety of bevacizumab and paclitaxel as the first−line chemotherapy for HER2−negative metastatic breast cancer. ESMO VIRTUAL CONGRESS 2020, 2020.9.19, Web開催
- Kawaguchi K, Takada M, Kotake T, Yoshimura M, Uozumi R, Kataoka M, Koyama T, Tokumasu R, Kato H, Yoshibayashi H, Suwa H, Tsuji W, Yamashiro H, Kataoka TR, Ishiguro H, Parida L, Morita S, Toi M, Kyoto Breast Cancer Research Network (KBCRN):Predicting the efficacy of nivolumab combined with radiation therapy by longitudinal liquid biopsy with artificial intelligence for patients with metastatic breast cancer (translational research of the KBCRN−B−002 trial). 2020 ASCO Annual Meeting, 2020.5.29, Web開催
- Kang Y, Kikawa Y, Kotake T, Tsuyuki S, Takahara S, Yamashiro H, Yoshibayashi H, Takada M, Yasuoka R, Yamagami K, Suwa H, Okuno T, Nakayama I, Kato T, Moriguchi Y, Ishiguro H, Kagimura T, Taguchi T, Sugie T, Toi M:Chemotherapy selection in routine clinical practice in Japan for HER 2−negative Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer (KBCRN A 001:E−SPEC Study). ESMO Asia Virtual Congress 2020, 2020.11.20, Web開催
- Fujimoto Y, Kikawa Y, Kotake T, Tsuyuki S, Takahara S, Yamashiro H, Yoshibayashi H, Takada M, Yasuoka R, Yamagami K, Suwa H, Okuno T, Nakayama I, Kato T, Moriguchi Y, Ishiguro H, Kagimura T, Taguchi T, Sugie T, Toi M:Prospective observational study to explore the effectiveness of eribulin as first− or second−line chemotherapy in patients with HER2−negative hormone−resistant advanced or metastatic breast cancer (KBCRN A001:E−SPEC Study). 2020 San Antonio Breast Cancer Virtual Symposium, 2020.12.8, Web開催
- 山本 豊,山城 大泰,Schneeweiss A, Muller V, Gluz O, Klare P, Aktas B, Magdolna D, Budi L, Piko B, Mangel L, 森田 智視,戸井 雅和,大野 真司:HER2陰性転移乳癌に対する一次べバシズマブ+パクリタキセル併用療法の前向き観察研究の国際統合解析.第28回日本乳癌学会学術総会,2020.10.9,Web開催